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COBRA Webinar Series - March 3, 2025
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Mar 3, 2025 03:00 PM

In this meeting, we feature Dr. Sabine Gollner (NIOZ, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research) who will present "Conservation and restoration at nodule fields and hydrothermal vents." We bring the COBRA community together through this monthly webinar series. The layout of the 90-minute meetings (all 3:00 – 4:30PM Eastern Time) is anticipated to be: - Welcome (10 minutes) - Community building ice breaker (10 minutes; in breakout rooms if the group is large) - Plenary talk(s) (30 minutes) - Open Q&A (30 minutes) - Wrap up (10 minutes) By registering for and attending the meeting, you agree to review and abide by our non-discriminatory Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy to treat everyone with dignity and respect and communicate with civility. The following behaviors are PROHIBITED: Harassment or threats in any form; Any behavior that has the effect of creating an environment that is hostile towards a person or group; Taking videos or photos without prior consent. As a consequence of prohibited behaviors, meeting organizers may institute disciplinary actions, including immediate and permanent removal from the meeting. Please report any prohibited behavior to Additionally, we ask several required questions below in order to understand the audience for the webinars and the professional networks of our community. Information you provide when registering will help COBRA to track progress towards our goals of bringing together parties with interest in the crustal ocean biosphere and training the next generation of researchers. We will represent these data in correlation network diagrams that will help us visualize our impact and areas for future development.